Saturday, April 11, 2009
alhamdulillah until today i still can breathe and live in this world...n the most happy things is i can see the purpose of me being part of the world..
there's a lot of things i would like to share with anyone who read or just pass by my blog, but i try my best key..
i am recovering from a hardship that i faced last weeks, and now alhamdulillah i am more happy about myself.
setiap kepayahan pasti ada ganjaran....i'll explain to you later but now, as a normal human being i need to go to sleep bak kata suhaila...kita bukan robot daaa, robot pun reti habes bateri gaks..
i misses all my friends even thought cik nanie kita yg paling byk memeningkan kepala jgn ngirau,kamek tak marah kitak laa.kamek nie sayang...sebab tu laa bimbang..
tgh cuba ringkas kan seringkas mungkin, apa2 pun sapa nak join KOHA....pandai2 laa email or call kat nombor2 yang tertera yea..take care
REMEMBER....there is love out there for us no matter from who and how they show it, but they do LOVE u with all they have.
Special thanks to my beloved and will always be love fiance mr major alliance, my best sisters in the WORLD kak li n farahfery, my kereks n brutal abengs a.shah, my SUPERMAN in IPPT...BOS, and my neutral sis kmz, and last but not least my huggy mommy at IPPT Mem Besar BPIO, without u guys i will not know what will happen to me n i even can't imagine what will happen and don't wanna imagine it...
oh b4 4get, to lovely best friend suhaila kokko @ susu kambing yg spent time with me sampai kul 2 pg, thanks dear 4 ur clear advice...i'll learn n try to achieve our target..jd mcm pn Maziah...
LOVE u Guys a LOT tau...
Labels: love~friendship~care, SUPPORT
aise...letak nama susu koko pule...nasib le...xpe saye tahu saye saye kan customer service..biasa la tu..saye paham..ok mak incik sebagai balasan..saye nk melo pastu cheese kak satu...
mai laa dtg kena tunggu ada oven laa yea sayang, takder oven camno nak ada kek nyea..hehehe
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